Saturday 5 July 2014

What's on this blog.

"A good writer must be well traveled, and well read"
                                                            - Random person who's name I don't remember.Yes, I'm not very good with names. But, I AM well read and well traveled. So thank God for that. If you're thinking that you'll find inspirational articles or whatever on this blog, you're wrong. What you'll actually find, is reality.
Just the pure plain truth.

This blog is all about my take on the most random, regular things in life. Like seeing the other side of a story. 
I will say however, that I DO NOT force my opinions on anybody and that you're free to comment whatever you feel.

Things you will find here:
1. Poetry
2. Open letters
3. Random articles
4. Fashion related articles (because I'm a fashion student)
5. A little bit of complete bullshit :P
And a lot of other random stuff, that you may/may not find interesting.
Until the next blog, then. :)