Thursday 4 February 2016

It's been a while

Well, hello.

I literally do not even know who's reading this. That's kinda cool.
It's been over a year since I last posted. What a shame. But I think it's time I got back to writing again. God alone knows it's the only thing that's going to keep me sane.
I just read my old posts and I can't help but laugh. What was I thinking? (LOL)
Perhaps you too would be familiar with this feeling that I'm currently feeling. You know, that time in your life when you feel like you have something to say but you're not sure what it is, so you just go with the flow. But then I also feel like I'm a shitty writer so we're that leads us no where I guess.

Okay, you're spending your time to read this. Let's get back to the point.

The title of this blog post says 'It's been a while'. Why, though? Why did I stop writing? Why did I almost let go of the one thing I've loved ever since I was 8 years old? Seems strange.
I used to write poetry. A lot. Like all the time. I would literally pen down lines in the middle of class at the back of my notebook. And now? Gosh, I don't even remember the last time I felt comfortable enough in letting my thoughts outside of my head and onto the paper. Like I was almost too scared that someone might find out. How weird is that?
I don't mind sharing what I've written. I never have. Then what was I so scared of? What was I hiding my feelings for? Or rather, WHO was I hiding it for?
Don't you just wish we all could just get the answers to all of our questions, just like that? Just out of the thin air. The last year and a half I'd say had been pretty happening. And it sure as hell changed me a lot- for better or for worse. But I'm beginning to take control of my life again. Starting right now.

So, to the person who is reading this- you probably don't know me. Or maybe you do. Either ways, you should know that over these past few months, I've come to realize that we all have a whole lot of strength that we don't give ourselves credit for. A whole lot of bravery that we fail to appreciate. And a whole lot of beauty that we tend to ignore.
Embrace it.

This is your life.
And it starts today.
Right here, right now.