Wednesday 11 May 2016


Hey, human!
So um, yeah- that's me. The girl with the Lennon glasses. You know up until now, I used this blog as a journal of sorts, I knew no one really reads it, or even cares for that matter. But sometimes my laptop starts feeling like a person, a person that only listens- and that can feel really good sometimes.

Is it just me or do you all wish that there was some sort of a machine or (by the grace of God) a person who would just take time off to listen to you? Without interruptions. Without judgement. Because more often that not, we don't need people to give us solutions to our problems. We need people to just listen to us till we figure out what to do ourselves. I mean, I think we can all agree on the fact that we never do what we're told to do in bad situation in fact, we do just the opposite.

It's easy when it's a friend- you can listen to them talk about their life without feeling burdened or feeling like "You know I really have better things to do". Or at least that's how it is for me. I love being a friend. I love being that shoulder to cry on, that hand to hold onto, the hug to comfort you. But even I can't help myself from suggesting solutions or forming opinions from time to time. But I'm working on that now.

The hardest thing though, the very hardest thing is to listen to the one whose words shoved a knife up your heart. To listen to the ones who at one point made you feel like you were walking on broken glass. To listen to those who've done you wrong, who've hurt you and made many nights nothing but swollen eyes staring at a fan. It takes real patience and courage to do that. To forgive, to move on. But to be able to forgive, you'll have to know how to listen.
I had to listen to someone like that once, just a few weeks back. I had to swallow my ego (my rather fat and stubborn ego) and chose whether or not to listen to that person. That person because of whom I cried myself to sleep on multiple occasions. That person because of whom I just stopped feeling good about myself. THAT person.
And you know what? I couldn't.
At least not on the first try.
Life went on, and the unresolved issues I had was like a backpack filled with bowling balls stuck onto my shoulders. And I knew that unless I chose to listen to that person, I'd always have that backpack following me around.
So I did it. I listened.
You'd be surprised at how much of a relief it is to finally talk about a problem with the person who caused it, ironically enough.
I talked to that person, listened to their side of the story, saw that I wasn't entirely right either, apologized for the same. I admit, I may have lashed out a couple of times, but nevertheless having heard her out I felt like I knew all that I had to know. It felt liberating.
We sorted things out, and even though she and I both knew that it would take a while for things between us to get back to normal, we both felt happy knowing we did what was right. What was the mature thing to do. We listened.
And both of us left our backpacks right there in that same spot. It wasn't our burden to carry anymore.

~The End~